Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Well I'm back for a minute, I have a few posts to caught up on. First I wanted to share a cool blog, about a lady who lives on $14,000 a year. She if very inspirational. I may not want to be as frugal as her, but at the same time I do want to start saving. I always struggle with budgets, I get too over whelmed, but I do want to do better. I will add her on my personal and blog and DYI blog too. With lots of love Maria

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm alive

It seems like I have fallen off the face of the blogging world. Just taking time to spend with my family, do house work and Work work. I'm sure I can get more stuff done, but I don't want what little time I have regretting not spent on my children. They seem to grow up so fast, not babies anymore. We found a videos on our computer that we got from old phones. When they were just babies, I bawled like a baby. I hate that they are growing up so fast. I feel like I have missed so much already. So I will try to organize my time, and get this blog going.  Lots of love Maria

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Chip it give away

The Yellow cape Cod is giving away a great give away, check her blog out. I want to win, I could use the color in my house? What about you?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Egg Fun

Hey friends there is a great site, Sassy sites that just posted fun things to do with eggs for Easter. All these people are amazing to think of fun projects so go check it out!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

1st post

First post ever in this new blog for my DIYs and other interests. I'm super excited to post all sorts of goods, I may not be able to post as often as I would like. My family always comes first than others will follow. I will try to get this started, excited for my journey to begin.
Love Maria